Catherine Chew
Investment Director @ Kepler Interactive
Cat heads investments at Kepler Interactive. She looks after majority and minority investments, while Kepler also offers project financing. Kepler is a collective of 7 founding independent game studios: A44, Sloclap, Shapefarm, Ebb Software, Alpha Channel, Awaceb and Timberline.
[vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1496760373065{padding-top: 2px !important;}” ][vc_column ][vc_column_text]Overcoming the next wave of challenges facing Indie studios[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
02/03 March 2022 | With the movement to subscription services, discoverability is becoming increasingly difficult for indie developers in PC / console. Platforms would rather work with publishers on a portfolio level, and publishers are able to use this growing power to extract exorbitant terms from developers. Ultimately, platforms turn acquisitive and have incentives to promote studios that they acquire. In order to retain creative and operational independence while still growing a sustainable studio, indie developers have to take the time to understand the business implications of different investment options on their own autonomy current and future.