Gunther Rehfeld
1987 to 1992 Art studies at the HfbK Hamburg (VK) – mostly media ecology
with Prof. Michael Haller, first cube mac, artistic hypercard experiments, jobs
at dtp in publishing houses and agencies
from 1992 to 1998 freelancer primarily new media for: Colgate Palmolive,
Telefunken, GEHE, Universal, Steinberg Small artistic web projects that nobody understood
1998 – 2001 Professorship for media communication and media design at the FH
Kaiserslautern location Zweibrücken – study course Digital Media
since autumn 2001 Hamburg professorship for graphics and digital image processing at the
HAW Hamburg
2007 Establishment of the Gamecitylab in cooperation with the faculty TI, financed by
the gamecity:Hamburg
2008 Development and launch of the Game MA at HAW Hamburg
2010 Relocation of the faculty DMI to the Finkenau